Twizza Queenstown Solar Energy Solution

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About the project



Project Date:




System Size and Type:

725kW Roof Mounted

Annual Energy Generation:

1468MWh per year

Project Location:

Eastern Cape

twizza queenstown solar energy solution

Project Information

When we started our own analysis on the Twizza operations we realised that true energy transformation would happen not just by putting a solar system on their roof, but by putting in place an effective energy management plan to shift behaviour in their operations and drive efficiency.

Scope of Project

The results were positive and once the measures were in place, we installed 2700 solar panels covering 5500sqm on their roof. Now, 1 in every 3 cans produced is from a clean and sustainable source of energy, reducing Twizza’s carbon footprint by saving 2130 tonnes in CO2 emissions to date.

twizza queenstown solar energy solution

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