Martin and Martin Solar Energy Solution

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About the project


Martin and Martin

Project Date:




System Size and Type:

550kW Roof Mounted

Annual System Generation:

1043MWh per year

Project Location:

Western Cape

martin and martin solar energy solution

Project Information

Martin and Martin, a 125-year-old leader in the pet food industry, has taken a significant step towards sustainability with the installation of a state-of-the-art solar energy system at their Cape Town operations. As the largest supplier of pet food products in the market, this move not only reduces their carbon footprint but also sets the stage for another century of innovation and growth.

Scope of Project

Our team designed and implemented a custom solar solution to meet the unique energy demands of Martin and Martin’s food production facility. The system was carefully integrated into their existing infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption to their operations. This solar installation not only provides a substantial portion of their daily energy needs but also symbolizes the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability.

By embracing solar energy, Martin and Martin are not just powering their production lines; they’re illuminating the path for the next 125 years of their illustrious history. This project stands as a testament to how traditional industries can adapt and thrive in the age of renewable energy, setting a benchmark for sustainability in the pet food sector.

martin and martin solar energy solution

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